Selected tournament: TAEKWONDO PRVENSTVO ŠTAJERSKE 2024.
Place: |
2.O.Š. SLOVENSKA BISTRICA, Šolska ulica 5, Slovenska Bistrica |
Schedule: |
27.01.2024 |
Organizer: |
Registrations till: |
26.01.2024 02:00:00 |
Contact: |
Kristijan Kovačić -> +386 40 149 104 |
Disciplines: |
Kyorugi, Kick, Poomsae |
Full description: |
Info about registrations: |
Prijave isključivo putem ovog portala do 25.01.2024. u 22:00 ure. |
Fee: |
Borba: 25 EUR
Poomsae: 20 EUR
Kick: 15 EUR
Kombinacija 2: 30 EUR
Kombinacija 3: 35 EUR |
Tournament schedule: |
SUBOTA, 27.01.2024.
09:00 - 10:00 - kontrolno tehtanje, otroci, ml.kadeti, kadeti
10:00 - 10:15 - sestanek sodnikov in trenerjer
10:30 - 14:00 - tekmovanje kick, poomse( vse kategorije), borbe - otroci, ml.kadeti, kadeti
14:00 - 15:00 - kontrolno tehtanje mladinci, člani
15:00 - 20:00 - tekmovanje mladinci, člani |
Number of entries in fights: |
154 |
Number of clubs in fights: |
9 |
Number of countries in fights: |
3 |
Number of entries in poomsea: |
20 |
Number of clubs in poomsae: |
4 |
Number of countries in poomsae: |
1 |
Total number of entries: |
174 |
Total number of competitors: |
124 |
total number of clubs: |
9 |
Total number of countries: |
3 |